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Warrior Weapons of Wisdom


"One day a new art acquaintance was over in my studio and he spotted a big stack of 6×9 pieces of watercolor paper with drawings, quotes and doodles on them. He started going through them and asked me what they were. I told him they were my Weapons of Warrior Wisdom. The name just came out without really thinking about.


He couldn’t believe how many there were, just sitting there piled up one on top of the other. He said, “Well, whatever you call them, they’re damn good… unique…and inspiring… 


I do sketches of individuals who inspire me (authors, creators, doers, thinkers, historical figures, etc.) and scrawl a quote of theirs beside the drawing and often a few Blunt, Bold and no BS thoughts of my OWN alongside theirs. Or I do doodles using my Ultimate Warrior logo and MY 20-yr-running signature catchphrase, Always Believe. I do these as part of my daily self-study and to inspire myself to get into a positive, ass-kicking frame of mind for the day. 


As I’ve told you before, warriors,  you can’t depend on others to motivate you. You have to do the work yourself. And you have to do the work every day — every single day. Myself, included. And this is one of the routine things I do to go about it."


Always Believe - Warrior

All Ultimate Warrior & Warrior Trademarks & Copyrights are Reserved 1997 - 2021 Ultimate Creations.   WWE Images (c)  2021 WWE All Rights Reserved.  

Digital, video & audio content (c) Stephen Wilton Legendary Unknown 

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