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Warrior "What I Want You To Know"

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What I Want You To Know - An Iron WillWarrior

"For years, you have been asking me what I do to be successful at living. Two things I do every day:  I write (in my journal) and read. I read great stuff, not cheap shit. I read to be inspired for kicking ass. Today, I am going to start sharing my reading inspiration with you. 


This is an idea I’ve had for years. In fact, I’m going to call it: “This is What I Want You to Know…”, using what I have long-titled the Journal I’ve kept for my daughters since the day they were born. The total time of these file are around 13 minutes. Four minutes is of me reading from my book and the remainder is me giving you my POV on the ideas put forward in the reading. Going to see how things go with this and and I am open to hearing any suggestions you may have.


Anyway, take what I share with you to Mind, Body and Soul . Then use it today to kick your OWN ass.


Your Founding Father of Life Intensity"



What I Want You To Know - YOUR LifeWarrior

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Digital, video & audio content (c) Stephen Wilton Legendary Unknown 

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