Warriors Rise Above Fear...
I once wrote, "Warriors do not live in the wreckage of the future.". I've used that phrase so often it's become one of my well known pieces of advice among my close crew. Although we all have instincts we can never know exactly what the future holds. Projecting negative images into the unknown is counterproductive and destabilizing. If we have a choice in our projections into what is admittedly unwritten, as the authors shouldn't we write for success? Shouldn't we script our rise rather than our fall? Shouldn't we stack the battlefield in our favor so once the future arrives as our present we receive it as a gift? Shouldn't we believe in our own magic?
Sometimes I think we live in fear not entirely of what could go wrong...although that is the story we tell ourselves. I think the fear that might grip us at our core asks, "what if everything goes RIGHT?"...and deeper down in that dark hole of doubt..."What if everything goes blissfully right and then--😳we F IT Up!?!?!"...Doesn't that resonate somewhere deep in your Warrior belly? It does me...
I wish we knew each other so you could hear me laugh as I write that. I am a pretty small lady but my laugh is really (a tiny bit embarrassingly) loud. I can't help myself. I get tickled and the joy that is my true nature escapes in an echoing applause. I laugh at the fact we Warriors fear almost nothing, except perhaps, our own greatness. That is where sabotage enters scene. I think Warrior called it Mr. Resistance! Right? Don't fear your OWN power!! Step into it!!
We are in the first month of an awesome year! I am so excited by the new beginning I've personally begun. It will include leaving behind things I've loved and found comfort in for nearly all my adult life. As I say goodbye to those things though, I get to say hello to new adventures. We have to clean out certain cupboards in our lives to make room for what is available to us now. We cannot fear newness or unknown. On the other side of uncertainty is adventure. Seeking future happiness is not forgetting the past. It is honoring the present with who you have become.
I believe we are all magicians. I believe our OWN magic is not something to fear. I believe Warriors look fear in the eye and smile. I believe there is no time for living in the wreckage of the future. I believe we Warriors reside in a place of possibility...Always!!