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Warrior Up...

Having the legal last name Warrior must energetically invite a certain level of battle. I’d much rather live in a land of civility than ruin: a place where I do my job with integrity, treat people with respect (and that is reciprocated), and one’s word is a bond with meaning. If we held ourselves to such small requirements we could accomplish inward, peaceful, living that manifests outwardly too. On two accounts I was forced to put my Warrior paint on against those unwilling to be accountable for their actions. These people are in for a shock since I wear Shakespeare’s adage, “Though she be but little, she is fierce”, like a cape. You are never too small to stand against what is wrong. You are never too marginalized to hold your OWN. As a Warrior YOU never goto war alone; there’s a legion of like minded scrappers solidly watching your back. It’s not reasonable to expect the universe to deliver impeccably if you show up sloppy. You can’t exactly manifest magic without cleaning up messes of your OWN making and requiring others do the same. It isn’t demanding or neediness to put voice to standards. Standing up and setting boundaries is always the cleanest choice. Even when faced with an unfair combatant, armed only with gaslighting, self service, and deceit, Thunder On! Honor your mirror’s reflection by giving voice to the values of your heart. Don’t succumb to what is unjust out of exhaustion or lack of breath. You’ll inhale and exhale with greater ease with a resumé built on doing right. I went toe to toe with an absolute blow hard. His pedantic actions lost him a deal I was in the process of bringing to fruition. He was abrasive, argumentative, and false. At one point he uttered the ridiculous (and lacking context) phrase, “you do not have the authority” in an attempt to convey I had no power. I remembered something important: I wasn’t afraid of this caustic man.. for all his bloviating and inflated ego one fact still remained...I’d seen this dude in bike shorts! I told him he did not have the authority to speak to me in such a way. Period. I then sought the proper authorities and statutes to protect my good name. There’s an immediate energetic shift when others attempt to diminish our value and we refuse. I’ll not ever do business with this individual again and “rich” as he is, only he will be the poorer for it. As I told another shallow, pompous, lawyer one time, “Money talks...True wealth whispers.”. The phrase “Always Believe” means ‘always’. It doesn’t mean sometimes, when you’re happy, when it’s easy, when you’re strong. Always Believe stands in the face of evil and requires we Warriors, Warrior Up... ...and Believe in our voice, our OWN POWER... ...Always! xo♥️d  

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