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Warriors Make a Job Where One Doesn't Even Exist...

I was in Phoenix last week shopping for my Hall of Fame gown and working on my Warrior Award induction speech. It was bittersweet to be back in Arizona. In many ways it feels like my home state although I was actually born and raised in California. I went to ASU and as graduation neared I met Warrior.

On his final WWE DVD I tell the story of walking through the doors of his gym with all the confidence and sass someone a year past their teens can muster!!! I haughtily said, "I need to run your aerobics program" to which he replied, "you need to marry me.". Without skipping a breath I leveled my eyes and countered "I won't even date you.". Which elicited the most booming laugh I'd ever heard.

He was undeterred, still shaking his head, chuckling said, "we'll see about that...let me show you around"...

He showed me around alright...

He showed me a life. He showed me a marriage. He showed me motherhood. He showed me how to fight, win, lose. He showed me how to be alive. He showed me how to die.

He showed me the words "Always Believe" are not just words at all.

It will be three years April 8, 2017. You Warriors mark that time different than I do.

That's ok, that's to be expected. In that 365x3 days I've shown up for a job that didn't yet exist.

I knew I had to carry forward his legacy, provide for his girls, and make a life of my own. Every hour in these 1,077 days that has been my mission.

I love each of you. I respect you too. Sometimes it's been hard to read criticism of the Warrior Award as though Warrior was speaking in his HOF speech of an award for himself, in his name. What hubris it would take to ask for an award for yourself. He would be mortified to know anyone imagined what he spoke of for Jimmy Miranda would be about him.

The Warrior Award was created because Warrior died. It was established so that he is never forgotten. It was a gift to all of you, the girls, and even me. It was Ultimate respect. The Warrior Award is about honoring the indomitable spirit my husband championed. The essence found in OTHERS because OUR guy believed not only in himself...he believed in ALL WARRIORS!! He didn't even call you took his name too!

"Speak to Me WARRIORS", was his refrain.

...and speak to him you always did!!!

Nobody forgot Warriors words about unsung heroes. No one "twisted" his wishes or made PR move with this beautiful annual honor. I'm lucky enough to own my husband's intellectual property until I turn it over to his children. I guard Warrior's legacy with a vigilance reserved only for my daughters. The wishes of my husband took time to find a place. He planted a seed and that seed needed to needed time to establish roots, start up to the light, struggle through the earth, and decide it was time to reach toward the sun.

The "becoming" of things is messy business. I am acutely aware of this because I'm covered in the muck and mud of who I've become.

On this first day of Spring my husband's HOF seed has the chance to bloom into fruition. It has found a platform. It isn't in the form of a once a year is instead a year round nod to those he believed in most...those he championed in all times of his life...

The unsung, everyday heroes....

You can count on me to do this job with an unparalleled passion. You gotta remember...for two years I've shown up for this job that didn't even exist as far as I knew. I wrote to all you warriors, who are MY HEROES...and now I'll be given a platform so big to showcase those who never step into the spotlight but DO THE WORK ANYWAY!!!

If you follow me to visit with everyday Heroes I know you will feel as happy as I do. You will Feel the Power of Warrior, like sun on your shoulders (or shovel aside the head, if intensity is the only speed that drives you ;) the way I do. There is a garden to cultivate. This uncharted land has the promise of true, down in the dirt, beauty. Unsung, everyday, behind the scenes heroes, from every walk of life will be the prized blooms.

I believe in Spring. I believe in growth. I believe there is a hero in each of us. I believe in showing up for the job...even if one isn't yet defined...ALWAYS!!


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