Warrior QA & Summertime Talk...
When this posts I'll be on my way to NYC with the opportunity to meet another WWE Everyday Hero. I'm so proud to be privileged to do the work Warrior encouraged. It's an honor to recognize those people, in all parts of life, who give without expecting recognition. I know Warrior would love this year round acknowledgment of those who serve with no ego. People who give without a need for applause. It is a gift to be able to cheer for these ultimate heroes. I'm back to answer more questions posed by this legion of warriors so loyal and true. You were his friends, whether you knew him personally, or not. Many of you ask about his friends in the business. He described Kerry Von Erich as being his very best friend to me. Kerry died long before I met Warrior but I imagine those two made quite a pair 😳..in looks alone, lol...but I know they shared a deep, abiding friendship. Warrior loved Owen Hart with such pure affection it's hard to put into words. He never spoke Owen's name without smiling. Warrior admired Owen's devotion to his wife, Martha. Warrior would grin so wide as he spoke of his friend's frugality wanting so much to provide well for Martha and the kids. Warrior said he never saw anyone forgo all the extras to make sure he brought everything home he could. Warrior laughed over the ribs Owen and Davy Boy (who was another beloved pal) would pull on him and the other boys, but he never spoke of Owen without crediting him for the love he had for his family and his desire to save every penny he earned to bring home and provide a life for those he loved most. Paul Bearer was another good hearted soul Warrior spoke of with untainted affection and respect. I think the words he said most often were, "a sweeter guy never lived.". I've written an entire blog on Undertaker. Having the pleasure of knowing Taker myself now, I understand completely every glowing word spoken about him. I've written how in every city he worked with Andre he found his favorite bottle of wine (I think.. I think it was a red wine but he said he always had the driver take him to liquor stores till he found it) to express gratitude to the legend for his enormous grace. He considered Randy a dear friend but also perhaps his most respected mentor in the ring. Squabbling back and forth amongst any of the boys and he ended when he went home to WWE for HOF. In the beautiful, karmic tie I know he brought us to a family that would love the girls and me; they've never, ever failed to do just that. "Favorite song ever"... if you nail me down to just one I would say his entrance music. 🤔Right?!? Before I move from my house this summer I will give you a video tour of his barn gym and the home we shared. This move is a big step forward in embracing not just the next chapter...that book will be complete. I'll move forward, with my girls and all of you, writing a new one. "Is Mattie really training to make a run to the ring?" She is the best gym partner I've ever had and a natural athlete. She trains with my trainer, Cindy Romero and me during the summer. She trains with Ramir General, a mixed martial arts coach who specializes in a Philippine knife fighting discipline along with boxing and grappling. She excelled at jumping rope in her conditioning with another coach, Tony Masters. The tricks she can do with THAT rope are crazy!!! She'll shake the ropes of her own life before long, but for now, she's a girl. I'm gonna let her be that with dreams in her head and as normal a life as I can provide. Her goal is to graduate HS, she begins in the fall, and goto Florida to train at NXT while she gets a business degree. I like that plan. On FB it was asked if Warrior continued his one on one inspiration to kids the way he did as Dingo Warrior. The answer is absolutely *YES* but not just with kids...anyone who met him will agree he would spend more than a minute giving his own brand of inspiration. Tied to this question was his charitable giving and I will say he and I both think that is something given privately. I have taught my girls that awareness of avenues to charitable giving are incredibly important. WWE gives me the platform to bring awareness to all of you. I have ingrained in my girls, however, that nobody should seek camera time for a charitable gift. This is one of my strongest held beliefs. Nobody needs to know what you personally give or that you gave. The best gifts are given in secret with no fanfare. True charitable giving gives dignity to the recipient with anonymity or the intimately personal transfer of what a person is able to give. Warrior and I believed in this with all our hearts. Mabrierae87 asked Do you still watch WWE and who is your favorite superstar Monday and Tuesday: I carve out my Mondays and Tuesdays to watch Raw and Smackdown. If I am on the road working or at an event I have it waiting on DVR. Mattie is a die hard Seth fan, Indy is all about Randy, and I had the Ultimate Good guy so I cheer for the heels!!! Nattie and Dana Brooke are dear friends of mine and great talents in different stages of their careers. That's fun to watch!!!. I think Alexa Bliss slays the mic! To me Roman Reigns embodies that comic book character edge. (Don't boo me) At Raw after WM33 I saw something super fierce in his ring presence. It'll be interesting to see what he's planning to bring to summerslam in Brooklyn. I think the tag team match ups have been some of the craziest, next level, entertaining spots every week. On Instagram I was asked: You seem to have such a positive attitude. What makes YOU happy, now? I am happy. I'm not happy on accident. I'm happy because I choose to be. I have a lot of gratitude in my heart for the beautiful things I'm surrounded by...I am awed by the sky, that alone is worth waking every morning to see. I have come to see the sky as a metaphor for life... I'll simply tell you I love deeply, and there's a lot I love. I love animals, words, loyalty, a humble heart, forgiveness, integrity, fearlessness, flattery, witty banter, books, hard work, playing harder, tequila, gummies (especially bears and frogs), flowers, the dance floor, the gym, my truck, the color pink, winged eyeliner, ridiculous lashes, long hair, and lipgloss. Most of all I love the hearts that beat outside of me...I love my inspiring daughters who will SLAY life without question. I love my mother, Steve "Stove" Wilton. I love my kaleidoscope of friends, who are my family. My menagerie of girlfriends are the loves in this chapter of life. I love my dogs, who are ridiculous, rotten, angels--and who happen to believe in the me I've had to become. On twitter I was asked about my Warrior Girl attitude: I support women who support other women. I consider myself a warrior woman and an advocate for the beauty in all women and the choices they make. I'm over women downing other women and imposing a "one way is right" in the way we walk through life. I believe the way to be happy is to hold oneself with dignity, grace, and a sense of humor. Conversely, it seems the surest way to live in misery is to pretend to possess all the answers to every question and impose those "answers" on everybody else. Stay in your own lane unless you are coming to the defense of another incapable of defending themselves...in that case, go ahead and swerve. Kathy asked how Warrior proposed and I've admitted his proposal were the first words he ever spoke to me...it went: ***enter Dana Warrior's Gym, Scottsdale, AZ--cocky walk up to the counter where he towered*** "I need to run your aerobics program" "You need to marry me" "I won't even date you." *Warrior's uproarious laugh* ...which was appropriate. He had the last laugh when he got on bended knee one Christmas morning, with an actual ring. He opened the box and said, "You need to marry me."... this time I threw my arms around his neck and simply said, "yes, yes I do.". Say yes to life, warriors. Say YES!! Life is too short, true, but it is also too long... It's too long not to live with the words YES on your lips like a kiss. ABxo💋d