Warriors Unpack the Bags...
A week removed from our life changing relocation and I'm beginning to recover. It felt too personal a task to hire anyone to do, so with the exception of Father Time and one dresser, Mattigan, my truck, and I were the full moving crew. I have never taken on a more mentally or physically difficult task. Still, the fact we did it felt like an epic accomplishment. What I didn't recognize amidst the labor was the birth of something unexpectedly beautiful; my new life. The last thing I did before I left our home was unpack Warrior's final two bags I had been unable to clear after NOLA Hall of Fame/WM weekend. I stood under his mask in the gallery and unzipped first the red then the black suitcase. I had expected something magical to occur, I suppose. I looked instead at neatly folded shirts and shorts, rolled socks, workout pants and hoodies with slight disappointment. As I was closing the second suitcase a small stack of envelopes caught my eye. There were three cards written to Warrior from us girls wishing him luck as he went to negotiate his return to WWE. The words we wrote were innocent, sweet, and adoring. I felt proud to look at how well we had taken care of this man in life. I felt proud to know when he passed he felt loved. I told myself those suitcases remained packed these years because I knew once I unpacked them he would never pack them again. I think once I unzipped them I realized I had hoped somehow the mystery of why life had changed so drastically would be answered. There were not answers but instead affirmations in the form of three letters encouraging Warrior to live his dream. Those sincere words in our handwriting felt redirected... like a boomerang... those words now implored US to live our OWN! I believe we pack our bags with hope for the future. I believe WARRIORS unpack their bags so they may be repacked for adventures with a blessing from Parts Unknown.. ALWAYS! xo💼d