A Grateful Heart on Thanksgiving for Your Prayers That Took Foot...
I’m reading a wonderful book given to me by my friend, Sherri Goldstein. She was one of the Denver breast cancer survivors who alongside me Unleashed her Warrior. We have kept in contact and ahead of Halloween she mailed me this incredible gift. John O’Leary’s book, On Fire, is a shoulder shake bound between covers. It’s a book that requires the reader to look oneself square in the eyes and OWN what is reflected back. It is a story of choices made and actions taken after nine year old John ignited a gasoline can in his parents garage and was burned over 100% of his body. “I believe in the power of prayer...”, John wrote,”...But I also believe that prayer is not so much intended to change God, but to inform and inspire the next steps of individuals offering the prayer.”. I love when a person breathes life into an idea through words. I adore that “prayers” are actually a roadmap for action. I am energized by the concept when we wing a prayer for another there’s actually follow up footwork required to bring that prayer into existence. On the Monday before Thanksgiving I wish to tell you of my gratitude for your prayers and the footprints that belong to you as I’ve walked the girls from losing a life to the other side of recovering new ones. However your prayers took focus, from good thoughts held, memories shared, or words of encouragement I’ve read; I am profoundly grateful. At any point you could have disappeared but you steadfast warriors remain...what a priceless and truly humbling gift. I have never met a group more loyal to a man than you Warriors. I know the steadfastness is not only for a character he portrayed but for the character he embodied. There’s a real sense of shared vision and greater purpose among our Warrior tribe. It has been my constant North Star. If you celebrate Thanksgiving it’s my prayer you gather in a space of grace and gratitude. If the day comes in different countries in different ways I send gratitude for your support all those many miles away. Who we align ourselves with says so much about who we choose to be. I’m incredibly proud to be aligned with warriors Ultimate as each of you. I will cook Thanksgiving in a new kitchen for the first time in 16 years! I’ve gathered all my recipes (ones I lost but found organizing for our move!) and stocked the pantry with military precision as I once did. I’ve planted an herb garden to season the turkey, roast, and stuffing which is ready to harvest. The lists are made and schedules calculated to start cooking today and not stop till Thursday afternoon. I’ll make every pie my girls want, the way I once did, and walk slices to our new neighbors. This year I am excited again! For the first time, in a new space, I am holding intention of creating wonderful new memories. You too can create a holiday season that opens the door wide to happy experiences. Happiness comes from so many unexpected directions but you must choose to look. Same as prayer is an action; seeking is a verb! There’s a cure to anything that ails your spirit but you must reach. You have to dig. You have to rise above the indulgence of self pity and woe is me. If you are lonely go feed those who are truly alone. If you cannot bare to keep company with human beings goto an animal shelter and rub the fur of a dog or cat. Goto a horse rescue. If nothing else...Go for a walk and look to the sky for the magnificence of God and force yourself to simply give thanks. There is no greater gift of Thanksgiving than remembering to be thankful. I believe Gratitude is the salve that soothes a human spirit. I believe we gather our souls to feed as much as our bodies on a day like Thanksgiving. I believe in the power of prayers from far and near. I believe your prayers helped me walk from “there” to “here”. I believe in giving thanks to you, my Warrior tribe...and I will...ALWAYS! xo🧡d