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Warriors Know Their Gifts...

Three of my favorite movies happen to be holiday films. A Christmas Story makes me laugh, “Fra-gil-eé, must be Italian.”. It’s a Wonderful Life, my yearly tear jerker as I wrap gifts every Christmas Eve,”to my big brother...the richest man in town...”. And Elf, the first holiday movie watched, as tradition, Thanksgiving night. Each year I take away a different line from these classics I swear I’ve never previously heard. This Thanksgiving Buddy the Elf made me swoon by saying, “You look miraculous.” when Jovie opened the door for their first date. There’s not a woman alive who wouldn’t wish to be seen in an admirer’s eyes as “miraculous”. What Buddy the Elf delivers with each line is his total vulnerability and authenticity. What a gift. There’s not a gift I’ve ever received more precious than a person’s heart. The trust it takes to give away something so tender is super heroic. There’s something almost terrifying in the belief another will cup our heart in their hands with the tenderness it requires. The leap of faith we take by believing another capable is to be a warrior for love. Not all love is the romantic sort although that’s what gets the fireworks and parades. Romantic love is phenomenal. It’s the thing dreams are made of but so is the love we get wide awake in the muck of real life! Love in the form of care, respect, admiration, trust, laughter, and appreciation is priceless. The love I receive from my daughters fills my heart; what I get from my friends and colleagues feeds my soul. People begin to take all their relationships for granted and cease to cherish them as a gift. Those will be regrets if not remedied; choose today a renewed commitment to cherishing. As the holiday season approaches pause to think of the gifts you have in your heart to give. This isn’t the list you’ve written of material items, but instead, the real work of your heart. There’s been times I’ve been so broke the thought of Christmas’ price tag kept me up at night. I wish I’d had the perspective I do now...the best gift I have to give is the heart I pour into others. That’s your gift too. As we approach the biggest gift giving holidays reassess what is truly meaningful. While Indy was home on break she, Mattie, and I the walked from our new home (where I very successfully cooked our first Thanksgiving:) to the plaza, where alongside our Santa Fe family of strangers and friends, counted from ten to one watching the downtown go from dark to dazzling, multicolored light. All around us people smiled in awe. Not one face wasn’t lit with wonder. That moment didn’t cost a dime but it leaves an impression each year of pure, nostalgic joy. The gift I wish to impart this year comes in the form of assignment. Choose one activity between now and 2018 that doesn’t cost a penny and invest the time to enjoy it. I’d love to hear what you decide to do :) I promise my assignment will be a gift you give yourself. I believe in fireworks and holiday lights. I believe Christmas cookies taste better than anything. I believe in making memories that sustain you in good times and bad. I believe the greatest gifts are moments wrapped in time. I believe in the present...Always! xo🎁d 

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