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Warriors Know True Love Never Dies...

It’s February and later this month Valentine’s Day will make men across the world sweat. I laugh typing that because it shouldn’t...Love isn’t tied to a single date; but it’s nice to thoughtfully observe. I had somebody wish me “Happy made up holiday” last year via text. I’m sure that was meant to be cheeky,...or to my mind... cheap, (lol)...but it said a lot to me about the person and their lack of whimsy. My husband handmade me valentines and he was one manly, bad ass, mother. Acknowledging something frivolously sweet isn’t weakness; it’s ultimate strength. In my capacity of WWE Ambassador I do a lot of work that is never seen; just the way I like it. I meet Wish Kids who become sewn into my heart and life. I don’t move on, I bring them with me. As a mother I empathize with the parents advocating for a child fighting for their lives. Perhaps only another parent can truly put themselves in the shoes of warrior moms and dads and marvel at their strength. Recently at Raw 25 I connected deeply with Abel’s parents, Destiny and Brad. Destiny sent me a text in response to the package I’d sent Abel (along with a video of him opening it :))). Her words were so kind we both got emotional; my response to her was this... “Don’t cry...every single thing happens for a reason and I would not be doing what I do in service were it not for my husband and the life we shared. I thank god every day for thinking enough of me to share him with me and to have him be the father of my kids. True love never just takes on different forms. Now I pour my love into people I meet like your family and I am filled with a different kind of joy. You bless me. 🤗💗🌸✨”. I share this with you now, ahead of us returning to NOLA, four years later, to assure you we are ok. I do it, too, for you to open your heart to the possibility of love from a million different sources...I ask that you pour love into others; even if you believe you have none in reserve to give. We live contracted lives when we do not love outside of ourselves. It’s not ok to receive without giving. Being truly happy within has a lot to do with choices we make to care for things outside ourselves. One of the greatest things you can decide to be is thoughtful. I have come to learn not many people are. That makes me sad and sometimes causes me to want to retract from being so but then I resist. In being thoughtful of others, of being empathetic too, I’ve set an example and that’s a good thing to put into the world. Kindness is never wrong. Are there cynics for sport and ignorant critics who want to bash me sometimes? Yep. Ask me if I care... *do you care?* Nope. I know me, I know my heart, I know my record for being a loyal wife, faithful partner, devoted mother and ultimate friend. Sometimes people see goodness and it makes their small heart mad. I pity that; I truly do. I will not, however, elevate it with direct answer. I love the platform I serve too much to elevate ignorance to its level. I will not play hostess to bitterness. When we’ve been knocked to our knees or had our hearts break it is easy to take a hiatus from Love. That’s a double binding punishment. Love solves everything. Love enables us to be better than we imagined we could be. “Love is patient, Love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud, it does not dishonor others, it is not self-serving, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres...” seems right here could have been written, “Love Always Believes”. I believe in Love. I believe in “made up holidays” for their innocence and simplicity. I believe in thoughtful gestures and meaningful words. I believe where a heart breaks it is eventually strongest. I believe true love NEVER dies; but lives on in different ways...ALWAYS! xo♥️d  

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