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Total Warriors Asked Dana LIVE...

It was exhilarating to have the opportunity to speak with you LIVE Friday! You were an inspired listenership and cohost!! I look forward to next we gather and encourage you to stay engaged as our Tribe of Total Warriors! The time flew all too quickly with so many questions left in the universe’s air. Today’s blog felt a perfect place to answer some left suspended and invite more until next we gather! You Total Warriors never disappoint in your intensity, thoughtfulness, humble approach to excellence, and humor! I’m honored to interact with warriors as ultimate as each of YOU! What are your workouts like? I train 5-6 days a week for 30-60 minutes a session. I believe in explosive, dynamic movement like plyometrics. Lunges and squats, in various forms, are the life blood of my training. I train hard and leave it at the gym. I show up for myself because exercise and fitness are the foundation of a healthy life; mind, body, and spirit. Was it hard to transition into your role as WWE Ambassador? No, not at fact, it was seamless and effortless because it’s a job that authentically reveals my heart. Every activation I am sent on as WWE Ambassador feels good to my core. WWE is a company I felt passionately connected to so the synergy was immediate. As my role evolves and grows I am more and more excited to see what adventures lie ahead!! Did Warrior have favorite ring gear? Did you and your girls? I think Warrior loved his Neon 80’s era ring gear the “most” if we could “rank” but he was always one to evolve and move forward. His gear was never stagnant or the same. I loved the gear he created for his 96 return and all the comic book influences. Indy is a fan of anything encompassing pink and Mattie was/is a true believer in his style and aesthetic and adorably wears much of his very oversized street wear as her OWN fashion today!!! How do you teach your girls to be #TotalWarriors in today’s world? I tell them to have a core! I tell them to have a backbone! I tell them what others think of them is none of their business. I tell them to walk softly on the earth but with purpose. I tell them other people they invite into their lives have feelings that matter. I tell them to treasure their friends because they can save your life. I tell my girls to remember to make choices they can live with because your entire life is a movie you have to watch again and again. I tell them when you err own it and fix it but some errors are irreparable. I tell them gossip is ugly, spiteful, and mean. I tell them when someone tells you who they are; believe them. I tell them everyone is entitled to an opinion, even about you, but don’t give one sh*# about that opinion if it’s an uninformed one. I tell my girls they are beautiful because their hearts are kind but never to revel in their looks. Beauty is fleeting if you are vapid. I tell them the prettiest girls are the ones comfortable in their own skin. The most attractive woman can laugh heartily..with others and at herself. I tell them never to be a shallow puddle of a girl, but instead a deep well of a woman. I tell my girls never to stand by in witness of evil and to stand up for anyone who is unable to stand for themselves. I tell my girls I love them every single day without fail. I tell them if anything ever happened to me that I will love them from parts unknown. I tell my girls to love each other fiercely and to give of themselves to others. I tell them never to forget they are first generation warrior girls and with that comes the responsibility of being #TOTAL!!! Do you consider yourself more of a religious person or a spiritual one. I am a person who believes in the religious practice of kindness. I believe love solves everything. Love of others, love of self. Any belief system that accepts and encourages the light in another is one I can applaud. I do not believe there’s only one way to know God. I believe in a benevolent creative force that loves all creation; no exceptions. How do you do such a great job juggling all your hard work as Ambassador while also raising two beautiful and smart young women? First thank you for the generosity of praise as you formed this question. Being a single, working mom is the greatest challenge I’ve faced as an adult. I’m still figuring it out as I go but I have struck balance by finally putting myself on the “to do list” every day. This means going to the gym. This means visiting my local second hand stores (Santa Fe Antiques, Ooooh la la, double take, and more) or cruising through a book shop. This means sitting with my animals and reading something I want to read for pleasure. This means eating food that is good for my body most of the time and having gummy bears and a margarita some of the time. I had forgotten I had a name other than mom or Mrs. I am Dana Warrior but I’m also just Dana. I decided I like this dana lady and she’s worth showing up for every day, for at least 1 of the 24 hours!!! What is the best advice you’ve given your girls that you’d give to others? It was a simple phrase I said from the start...”Boys are not a goal.”. I’m of the opinion we over sexualize kids. We place them in social confines way too early, especially girls. We “train” girls to “practice” being “girlfriends” for the day they become a “wife”. We ask kids “do you liiiiiiikkkkkeeee him/her” before they have any ability to know what that means. We place our kids in mature situations without the maturity to handle them. Hearts get hurt and heads get messed. I’ve told my girls to have a focused goal and both of them have. Indiana has trained intensely to be a ballerina since she began at four. Her focus has never once wavered. She is an outstanding, interested student and a sweet, thoughtful young lady. Indy is a delightful human being. Mattigan is a great athlete and excels at anything she attempts. She loves to snowboard, be in the gym, and practice her mixed martial arts. She was accepted to an incredible arts high school for theater and grows through her phenomenal coaching. She is loyal, tough, a tiny bit shy and sweet. Both the girls have wonderful, honest friendships with boys and girls in their peer groups. Neither of my girls “date”. By removing any allowance for this “practicing” of far too intense relationships they’ve blossomed into young ladies who have an inner and outward voice and genuinely know themselves now and who they wish to grow to be. What is your diet plan? I’m strict. Haribo frogs & bears with a tequila chase...strictly ;) How do you unwind or make down time with your hectic schedule? I’m an avid gardener. I’m a plant whisperer. I love to be outside with my hands in the dirt, sun on my back, listening to my animal menagerie snore and purrrrr. I really do lose myself in the yard. I love the sky and hearing birds. I love bugs and bees. I disappear into a fairy land to fiesta with frogs and mambo with lizards. I stay in my garden and commune until I’m ready to return to reality ;) What has inspired you lately? I’m inspired every single day by everything around me. The sky makes me cry sometimes with its beauty. I look at the majesty of a spring field and marvel. Truly...I’m so grateful for the gift of life I’m inspired by the miracle of creation. I’m inspired by hard work: by stick-to-it-ive-ness, grit, perseverance, gumption and grace. I’m inspired by others who work instead of whine. Do instead of criticize. I’m inspired by a person with the generosity to say, “go gettum!!”. Recently this quote encapsulated my awe succinctly. “For what it’s’s never too late or in my case too early to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit. Start whenever you want. You can change or stay the same. There are no rules. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you’ve never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of, and if you’re not, I hope you have the courage to start over again.” -F. Scott Fitzgerald What do you love most about WWE? The hearts of the people I work alongside. The fact we are all, the slightest bit, part of “the island of misfit toys”. I have a theory WWE has the loyal universe of fans it does because we all recognize in one another a strength as well as a vulnerability. We are all at once confident and self conscious. We have been bullied, victimized, left out, scoffed at, told we were not good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, big enough, thin enough: worthy enough to be accepted. In our Universe of the WWE we know none of that to be true. In the WWE Universe we are accepted as perfectly flawed and yet heroic in our desire to reach for the title and hold it high overhead! I believe THAT is the mark of a TOTAL WARRIOR...Always!! xoxoxo💃🏼d 

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