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Kindness is in your hands, Warriors...

I was honored to be invited to the 2018 GLAAD Gala in San Francisco. The warmth with which Mattigan and I were received was remarkable. The evening was dedicated to inclusiveness, acceptance, togetherness, and love for humanity. Sitting among the gathered group of diverse individuals there was a common mission to champion a world where we function #Together.  

I attended as a mother with an ear to what young men and women experience in the world. The stories of contemplated suicide by young people who felt outside humanity because of their identification within the LBGTQ community was heartbreaking. It is time we Warriors take a stand for inclusion and acceptance for every child. There should be a safe haven for developing youth to know they matter and are truly, singularly, miraculous. I’m not here to debate morality. Hateful exclusion is immoral. Marginalization of any minority’s voice is immoral. Standing silently by, knowing a child is at risk because they feel unsafe living their truth, is immoral. A moral society advocates for their children and protects them from hatred and bigotry. Ignorance is educable. Expanding one’s mind to empathize with those who might seem “other” is maturity. The world is filled with a diverse population but we are all more alike than different. People are people. As a mother raising two daughters whom I want to benefit from kindness; requires I exhibit such kindness. If I want them to receive It is my responsibility to give. What I want for my children is what I want for ALL children. On October 18, 2018 GLAAD is sponsoring #SpiritDay to encourage inclusion and end bullying. Please join me by embracing the #GoPurple campaign in your home, schools, and community. When adults stand alongside ALL OUR KIDS we inspire a sense of security. ALL Kids deserve our protection and advocacy. By investing our efforts for the expansion of inclusion we evolve humanity as a whole. I believe every child is a unique, miraculous, priceless gift. I believe as an adult we set the example for inclusive behavior. I believe you need not “understand” another’s reality to accept it as their TRUTH. I believe every young life lost to suicide is a blight on us all. I believe there are complex issues with simple solutions and those begin with simple kindness... ...Always. xo💜d 

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