Warriors Remember Life is Fragile...
There have been many sad losses recently that have given me pause. On any given day any of us can leave the planet. You do not know when that day will come so you must be respectful of the fact we are all here on loan from our creator. The fragility of life and the unknown element of how much time we have here is a whistle blown to get to work! What if we postpone our destiny believing time has promised us "down the road"... That is not a promise made so respect the fact as human beings we have expiration dates.
One of the things I've recently truly pondered is the love we give and receive during our time here. I'll never forget sitting at my kitchen counter days after Warrior died tears running down my face telling Denise I would never open my heart to love somebody again. I told her the pain of the loss was truly too devastating. She reached a hand over to cover mine and softly said, "That's ok to say and feel now...I just think that would be such a shame. The thing is, the best thing about you and what you do better than anyone I know is love the people you love. You are just so good at it.". I actually get tears in my eyes when I type that because even at my lowest misery I thought it was the greatest thing anyone ever thought to say about me. It was a flickering candle in the recesses of my mind these two years and something I looked at fully just today.
Warriors are brave enough to break their own hearts.
It is still hard to imagine starting a life with somebody else but what I know is that I do love the people in my life and I am surrounded by reflective love. I will not leave this life alone. I have developed a network of those I adore and receive that adoration in equal measure. To imagine life ending and not having those who would register my passing would feel an unfulfilled mission. We cannot tuck away our best skills because implementing them leads to hurt we do not favor. To let the muscles of your best self atrophy is to slowly die an unaccomplished death which is devastating in its lack of completion.
I believe it is a warrior's strength in the admission of life's fragility. I believe in being brave enough to face the beauty and the pain...and embracing it...Always.
💛Today marks the two year anniversary of Connor Michalek's passing. Please join me today in donating what you can to his legacy, Connor's Cure. The one comfort I know his loved ones hold tightly to is his ability to help other children in the fight for their lives believe for a cure.💛✨https://www.givetochildrens.org/16---get-involved---connors…-