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A Splash of Pink "TechniColor Commentary"
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Oct 3, 2016
It was the morning after Indy's surprise going away party and we had three days left of life as we knew it. Every weekday morning is the...

Sep 19, 2016
Warriors Look Back...and Pass it Forward...
The girls and I were visiting our local farmer's market at the Santa Fe Railyard. There's an abundance of local goods including beautiful...

Sep 5, 2016
Warriors are Fearless with Words...
How much fun was it to speak to you WARRIORS! I love the chance to communicate with you through the blogs but to have an interactive, two...

Aug 29, 2016
Warriors Keep Their Hearts Beating in the Future...
I hope if I inspire anything in you Warriors it is the belief of beauty in the future. I affirm this for my girls, my friends, all you...

Aug 22, 2016
Every time I write my Monday blog I have in mind some message I want to impart or a lesson I have learned. My intention every week is to...

Aug 15, 2016
Warriors Must Remember to Play...
My husband was the most intense man I've ever known. This intensity was his greatest propelling force and his mark of ultimate...

Aug 8, 2016
Warriors know they cannot make others into the people they would like them to be...
We are who we are to our core. We can try to mask who we are, hide it, curb it, exaggerate it, deny it, shame it or embrace it, but it...

Jul 25, 2016
Warriors Keep a Vow...
I get a lot of email asking me the secret to the twenty years I shared with Warrior. No real secret is it? Haven't you noticed how...

Jul 11, 2016
Warriors Never Lose the War...
I'm sitting on a plane writing this blog with Mattie's braided head against my shoulder sound asleep and Indy across the country...

May 23, 2016
Warriors Endure...
I love words. I love words so much they chase me. I love words more than I love most human beings. They rattle around in my mind until I...
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