Warriors Keep Their Hearts Beating in the Future...
I hope if I inspire anything in you Warriors it is the belief of beauty in the future. I affirm this for my girls, my friends, all you Warriors, and myself. I am in a new place after losing my husband. A happier one again. One that can open the pages of our story with enough distance and enjoy it now. The sorrow has abated greatly. The light has a new feeling of warmth.
For this reason I agreed when Steve asked me to do this Thursday's podcast. I am ready for you Warriors to ask me any questions you want answered about Warrior and our life beyond. It will be fun to chat with all of you, hear your voices, reminisce, and encourage.
I also love this new roster of talent in both NXT and WWE so I'm happy to give you behind the scenes stories from Take Over and SummerSlam!! I might even tell you what I think of Brock Lesner and share the story of Randy Orton in Rio Rancho weeks after Warrior died.
It is up to you to call in this Thursday and steer the ship!! I love the challenge of this unexpected exchange! I'll invite my friend, Don Julio, so any of my pals will tell you that guarantees a good time will be had by all ;)!!! (Pssst that means the longer you listen the more I'll spill!)
Warrior and all he stood for is immortal. His message was so mammoth it must be carried forward and built upon. When we come together and recall his greatness we are the storytellers he enlisted to allow his spirit to run....FOREVER!!
I believe our collective hearts beat to carry what he worked and died to deliver...I believe we will build his greatness for all who follow..I believe we must keep our hearts open, growing, and beating in the future...Always! xo💗Dana