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A Splash of Pink "TechniColor Commentary"
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Jan 30, 2017
Ultimate Warrior 30
Warriors are Warriors...Here, Now, Always... The Ultimate Warrior sometimes came out at home. I channeled him the other night when I...

Jan 23, 2017
Warrior Girls Believe Undertaker Will Rise Above ALL at the Royal Rumble...
I laughed when I heard The Undertaker is sometimes referred to as Santa Claus since we only see him once a year. I think the irony of the...

Jan 16, 2017
Warriors Know the Power of an Apology...
This past December delivered for me some treasured lessons I consider gifts. One of them was the Power of "I'm sorry" both given and...

Jan 8, 2017
Warriors Rise Above Fear...
I once wrote, "Warriors do not live in the wreckage of the future.". I've used that phrase so often it's become one of my well known...

Jan 2, 2017
Happy 2017, Warriors!!!!...
I have come to love New Year's Eve and Day! The turning of the year marks a fresh page in the book of our lives...On this day there's not...

Dec 26, 2016
Warriors are Worthy...
I hope your Christmas was beautiful. If you are able to take it easy, sit in front of a fireplace and open a book may I suggest Larry Mc...

Dec 19, 2016
Warriors Say, "Give it to Me"....
Whenever things got really stressful or I was upset during my life with Warrior he would wrap my little self into his big self and say to...

Dec 12, 2016
Warriors Take Personal Inventory...
"We all like to think we're right about what we believe about ourselves and what we often believe are only the best, most moral things....

Dec 5, 2016
Warriors Celebrate Birthdays...
Warriors Celebrate Birthdays... I've written many heartfelt birthday messages, sometimes to people unworthy of my words. I've given many...

Nov 28, 2016
Warriors Know Their Impact....
I've stopped letting people throw shade at me without calling them on it. It's a funny thing people do to true warriors...they test...

Nov 24, 2016
On Thanksgiving this Warrior Woman is deeply thankful...
It may be cliche but on Thanksgiving our little Warrior family really did go around the table to say what made us grateful. We would...

Nov 20, 2016
Little Warriors Leave Big Legacies...
On November 25th Steve Michalek will get through the day that belonged to Connor's birth. These milestones are so rough, especially in...

Nov 14, 2016
Warriors Don't Magnify an Obstacle...They Magnify Their POWER...
I don't know that I'm exceptional in any way except for the fact I'm too exceptionally stubborn to ever quit. I've been this way my...

Nov 7, 2016
Warriors Decide...
When people comment on the progress I've made since losing Warrior I always express that I DECIDED to LIVE. I could have decided the...

Oct 31, 2016
Warriors Know When to Wear the Mask...
Happy Halloween, Warriors!! I love this holiday passionately. I mean, I love Halloween with an almost embarrassing glee. So far, since...

Oct 24, 2016
Warriors never miss a deadline...
I made a commitment to myself to write my Monday blog and faithfully deliver! I always told Warrior, deadlines, along with stop signs are...

Oct 17, 2016
Warriors Know History Matters...
"Love never dies...but someday we all will." - AE October 8th Mattie and I drove up to Santa Fe Ski Basin to look at the Aspens change...

Oct 11, 2016
Warriors send rescue to Planet WTF?!?!....
Warriors, I'm asking you if I am absolutely crazy or if the world has changed unbelievably since the days I dated before Warrior!! I'd...

Oct 3, 2016
It was the morning after Indy's surprise going away party and we had three days left of life as we knew it. Every weekday morning is the...

Sep 26, 2016
Warriors Push Babies From The Nest...
I sometimes wish I had not agreed to be a Warrior. I sometimes wish I were selfish and small and took what I wanted without regard. I...

Sep 19, 2016
Warriors Look Back...and Pass it Forward...
The girls and I were visiting our local farmer's market at the Santa Fe Railyard. There's an abundance of local goods including beautiful...

Sep 5, 2016
Warriors are Fearless with Words...
How much fun was it to speak to you WARRIORS! I love the chance to communicate with you through the blogs but to have an interactive, two...

Aug 29, 2016
Warriors Keep Their Hearts Beating in the Future...
I hope if I inspire anything in you Warriors it is the belief of beauty in the future. I affirm this for my girls, my friends, all you...
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